Stuart D. Lerner, MD
Family Medicine located in Kailua, HI
About Dr. Stuart Lerner
Stuart Lerner, MD, leads his practice in Kailua, Hawaii, as a Board-Certified Family Medicine physician.
Dr. Lerner treats the whole person with a variety of natural and complementary treatments not offered in most physician's offices, as well as traditional medicines. This includes Testosterone treatment in men, HRT in women, and weight loss injectable medicines for all.
- Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine in 1989,
- Advanced training and experience in Anti Aging, Metabolic and Regenerative Medicine, Functional Medicine
- Advanced training and experience in Aesthetic Medicine including Botox cosmetic and Juvéderm fillers
- He is one of only a few Family Medicine physicians in Hawaii offering Botox for cosmetics as well as for
- headaches
- neck pain
- spasticity in stroke patients.
Dr. Lerner was an Emergency Medicine physician at Castle and St Francis Medical Centers for 15 years and has been in private practice for over 10 years.
Dr. Lerner received his medical degree in 1986 from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine.and completed his residency in Family Medicine at SUNY, Stony Brook in Bay Shore, New York. 1989.
Dr. Lerner has previously been certified in advanced cardiac, pediatric, and trauma life support, and has an advanced certification in EKG interpretation from the American College of Cardiology.
For his work, Dr. Lerner has received several awards, including the Award for Excellence in Academics, Teaching and Leadership, from Southside Hospital, NY.
He teaches students in schools of medicine, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students from various schools including Yale University, USC, and John Burns School of Medicine.